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Liposuction in Scottsdale

If you’re in the Scottsdale area, and are frustrated with stubborn pockets of excess fat, liposuction is a minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure that can eliminate these localized deposits, leaving you with a slimmer, more balanced appearance. Reach out and set up your consultation today, and learn more about what this wildly popular procedure can do for you.

Next-Level Care and Cosmetics

While conventional liposuction techniques have long been effective at removing excessive fat deposits, they’re fairly painful procedures that involve suctioning out large areas of solid fat. 

Newer, more advanced technology has allowed for impressive improvements in procedural accuracy and significant reductions in the pain associated with this procedure. Today, liposuction is usually performed via the tumescent technique or with the help of ultrasound imaging or laser guidance. These new technologies have transformed liposuction into a much safer and less invasive procedure, which we’re proud to offer patients in the Scottsdale area.

Admire Plastic Surgery

How Is Liposuction Performed?

The highly advanced form of liposuction performed by Anthony A. Admire is far different from the procedure that originally came from France in the 1980s. Those early procedures involved a large cannula, which had to be moved back and forth somewhat aggressively under the skin to both loosen and suction away fat pockets. This caused extensive bruising, tissue trauma, and blood loss.

Today, liposuction in Scottsdale is so much easier. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia, as an outpatient procedure. He uses the tumescent technique, where a saline solution containing lidocaine is first injected into the target areas to minimize the pain and firm the fat, making it easier to remove. The solution also contains epinephrine to constrict the blood vessels, limiting blood loss and bruising.

A small cannula is then inserted to suction out the fat and liquid, requiring much smaller incisions that typically don’t even require stitches to close, once the procedure is finished. Dr. Admire primarily performs Power Assisted Liposuction, whch tends to produce the most effective results. 

When to Consider Lipo in Scottsdale

The ideal candidate for liposuction in Scottsdale is in good overall health and maintains a healthy lifestyle, but has one or more problem areas with fat deposits that just won’t respond to healthy living. It’s also important that you have realistic expectations, and remember that liposuction is not intended to be used as a means for major weight loss, but rather for the removal of localized areas of stubborn fat after the patient has attempted other natural weight loss methods.

Some people mistakenly think liposuction is a weight-loss procedure, when it’s really intended as more of a body contouring procedure. This means it’s intended to target and remove stubborn pockets of fat in areas where it is resistant to changes through diet and exercise, such as the lower abdomen. Liposuction is not meant to provide widespread fat removal; to the contrary, removing too much fat in a single procedure can actually be dangerous.

The Ideal Liposuction Candidate

If you’re in the Scottsdale area, you’re likely a great candidate for liposuction with Anthony A. Admire if you’re within 10 percent of your ideal body weight, and have been for a decent period of time. You’ll need to have good elasticity in your skin, so it can be tightened over your abdomen, once the fat has been removed.

Liposuction can be used to treat localized fat deposits within the:

  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Chest
  • Face
  • Calves
  • Ankles

The Benefits of Lipo in Scottsdale

Lipo is an incredibly effective method for removing stubborn pockets of fat that can accumulate on areas like the lower abdomen, outer thighs, upper arms, flanks, and even along the bra line. Because of their location, these pockets are almost immune to your attempts to get rid of them through dietary changes or exercise.

Liposuction in Scottsdale at AdmireMD® Plastic Surgery + Skin Clinic is a great way to:

  • Remove stubborn fat pockets
  • Slim the contour of the target areas
  • Avoid the creation of noticeable scarring
  • Enjoy only a short recovery
  • Avoid an overly painful procedure

More About the Liposuction Procedure

Anthony A. Admire’s commitment to the most cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art equipment means that he’s able to perform lipo in Scottsdale with a far more minimally-invasive technique and much greater precision than was once available. 

At AdmireMD® Plastic Surgery + Skin Clinic, we use what’s known as the tumescent technique, and in some cases we may also include the assistance of ultrasound imaging or laser energy. This gives us a much greater degree of precision. Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, with several tiny incisions and a local anesthetic to help expand and firm the fat, making it easier to remove. The cannula is then inserted through the incisions to suction out the fat.

No stitches are needed after liposuction since the incisions are small enough to heal on their own. In laser-assisted tumescent liposuction, a laser is used to liquefy the targeted fat before it is removed, allowing for easier and less painful removal. The laser may also be used to tighten the skin in the treated area after fat is removed. Similarly, ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasound energy to liquefy fat before it is removed for a smoother removal process.

What’s the Lipo Recovery Process?

After the liposuction procedure, you’ll experience some mild swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treatment area. Compression garments or elastic bandages will help reduce these symptoms while you heal, and will be worn for about a month to help your skin and tissue adapt to your body’s new shape.

Swelling and bruising take up to 10 days to clear, but you’ll be able to return to work and your daily life as soon as you feel comfortable, which is usually after just a few days. Exercise and other strenuous activities, however, should be avoided for at least a few weeks.

We’ll provide you with specific aftercare instructions for the treatment area, to be sure you’re avoiding complications after the procedure.

When Can I See My Results?

The results of the liposuction procedure may not be visible until after swelling and bruising subside. This may take several months, and results will appear gradually throughout this time.

The results of your liposuction in Scottsdale can be permanent, as long as you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. If substantial weight is gained after this procedure, the results may be altered.

Admire Plastic Surgery

Are There Any Serious Risks Involved?

Although liposuction is considered safe, there are certain risks associated with any type of procedure. Some of these risks may include infection, scarring, allergic reactions, hematoma or unsatisfactory results. Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures and is almost always performed with no serious complications.

Complications specific to liposuction are:

  • Contour irregularities — The treated area can appear bumpy or wavy. If the patient has inelastic skin, this is more prevalent.
  • Numbness — Any numbness in the area is usually temporary, but it can endure.
  • Fluid accumulation — Temporary pockets of fluid (called seromas) can form. These may need to be drained.

Schedule Your Lipo Consultation Today

If you’re interested in learning more about liposuction in Scottsdale, please contact us for a consultation at 480.946.3155, or fill out our contact us form here. We will discuss your needs/concerns, and determine your best course of action.

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